All Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take for applications to be approved for a DoD MOU? Open FAQ
What is TA DECIDE? Open FAQ
What is the Participating Institutions list? Open FAQ
What are the requirements for DoD installation access? Open FAQ
DoD Instruction 1322.25, "Voluntary Education Programs," allows educational institutions access to installations to provide programs, services, and education guidance to their students or to participate in sanctioned education fairs. It also has a new section covering access for institutions that only want to provide academic counseling or support services to their students. These institutions must have a minimum of 20 military-connected students enrolled and must adhere to certain reporting requirements following the visit. Additional information is available on by clicking "Department of Defense (DoD) Voluntary Education DoD Installation Access Tips and Resource Links" in the "Resources" box in the lower right corner.
(Created: July 20, 2015)
What is considered a DoD installation for this requirement? Is this limited to active duty military installations? Open FAQ
Can my educational institution request DoD installation access? What are the requirements? Open FAQ
Any educational institution can request installation access for permissible activities (to provide programs, services, and education guidance to their students or to participate in sanctioned education fairs). In order to obtain DoD installation access an educational institution must:
Submit a written request to the responsible education advisor who will analyze the request and make a determination on behalf of the installation commander.
Have a signed Voluntary Education Partnership MOU with DoD. Further, a signed Voluntary Education Partnership MOU with DoD is dependent on the educational institution being state-approved for the use of veterans' education benefits, certified to participate in federal student aid programs through the Department of Education (ED), and accredited by a national or regional accrediting body recognized by the ED.
Be in compliance with state requirements and laws.
In addition, educational institutions requesting access solely to provide academic counseling or support services to students must have a minimum number of 20 military-connected students enrolled at that installation and must adhere to certain reporting requirements following the visit. Further, educational institutions requesting access to provide on-installation education programs or services must follow applicable DoD installation policies and procedures. Access granted for the performance of contracted services is permitted only in accordance with the requirements of the contract and/or agreement.
(Created: July 20, 2015)
How does an educational institution request DoD installation access? Open FAQ
Does my institution need to sign a separate MOU with each DoD installation we request access to? Open FAQ
No. The DoD Voluntary Education Partnership MOU serves as the uniform MOU with DoD outlining the requirements for DoD installation access. For example, signing a separate MOU with the installation is not a requirement for educational institutions solely providing academic counseling or support services to students or participating at sanctioned education fairs at approved locations. However, each DoD installation may require installation-specific requests and reporting procedures for this type of access. Educational institutions that provide on-installation education programs or services such as classroom instruction, however, must sign an MOU with that installation in addition to meeting the DoD installation access provisions of DoDI 1322.25, "Voluntary Education Programs." The installation-specific MOU stipulates the additional provisions for which an educational institution is permitted access to the DoD installation in performance of contracted services.
(Created: July 20, 2015)
Can a third party provider access the DoD installation on behalf of an educational institution? Open FAQ
Who is responsible for granting and monitoring DoD installation access? Open FAQ
All requests for DoD installation access by an educational institution are referred to the responsible education advisor (government official). The education advisor, on behalf of the installation commander, is responsible for ensuring all educational institutions and its agents granted access to DoD installations to provide education, guidance, training opportunities, and participate in sanctioned education fairs to Service members adhere to referenced laws and instructions, applicable DoD installation policies and procedures. In accordance with DoDI 1322.25, "Voluntary Education Programs," an education advisor is a professionally qualified, subject matter expert or program manager in the Education Services Series 1740 or possessing equivalent qualifications at the education center. This responsibility is inherently governmental to be performed by a government official. Commonly used position titles include, but are not limited to, Education Services Specialist (ESS), Education Services Officer (ESO), Voluntary Education Director, Navy College Office Director, and Education and Training Section (ETS) Chief.
What are the responsibilities for granting DoD installation access? Open FAQ
Responsible education advisors will ensure educational institutions granted access to DoD installations have a signed MOU in good standing with DoD and are in compliance with state requirements and laws. They will fully consider each request received for appropriate and adequate access providing a timely response to all properly submitted requests. DoD installation access is not guaranteed and requires careful consideration of the following:
Purpose of Visit. Types of permissible activities include the delivery of education/training programs or services through an installation-specific Memorandum of Understanding (only type of visit that supports regular/recurring format); the provision of academic counseling or support services; and recruitment, marketing, and advertising visits (i.e., education fairs, job training, career/transition events, or sponsorship).
Capability to Host. Factors may include, but are not limited to, the consistent treatment of educational institutions, value to the Service member and mission tempo of the servicing DoD Installation and/or education office.
Status of DoD Voluntary Education Partnership MOU. Educational institutions having an MOU not in good standing with DoD (i.e., Probationary or Title IV Non-Compliant Status) are limited to DoD installation access that supports current students for “teach-out” activities.
The responsible education advisor will ensure access granted to provide on-installation education programs or services complies with DoDI 1322.25, "Voluntary Education Programs," requirements (e.g., communicate needs to wide variety of potential providers, derive requirements from periodic needs assessment, and follow applicable DoD installation policies and procedures). If a request is denied, the responsible education advisor will provide the reason(s) for denial in writing. Copies of all correspondence pertaining to DoD installation access requests and determinations will be maintained for a minimum of two years.
(Created: July 20, 2015)
What are the responsibilities for monitoring DoD installation access? Open FAQ
Responsible education advisors will monitor educational institutions and its agents granted access to DoD installations ensuring the compliance with the provisions of DoDI 1322.25, "Voluntary Education Programs," during the visit. Further, they will ensure educational institutions do not:
Use unfair, deceptive, abusive or fraudulent devices, schemes, or artifices, including misleading advertising or sales literature.
Engage in unfair, deceptive, or abusive marketing tactics such as participating in unit briefings or assemblies, engaging in open recruiting efforts, or distributing marketing materials on the DoD installation at unapproved locations or events.
Market to or recruit newly assigned military personnel to the DoD installation, unless the Service member has received information about voluntary education programs and educational services available at that DoD installation, to include TA, from their education services staff or as part of their orientation to the new DoD installation.
Provide programs/services not in accordance with the requirements of the contract and/or agreement.
The responsible education advisor will obtain a record of students counseled (academic counseling or support services only) provided upon departure of the institutional representative.
Is advertising and marketing considered DoD installation access? Open FAQ
Any contact by an educational institution with a Service member for the purpose of asking or encouraging the member to sign up for one of the educational institution’s programs (assuming the program has some cost) is considered personal commercial solicitations. The responsible education advisor will ensure educational institutions comply with DoD Instruction 1344.07, "Personal Commercial Solicitation", on DoD Installations and all requirements established by the installation commander for solicitation. Personal commercial solicitation includes, but is not limited to, advertising (billboards, signs, newspaper/base publication ads, tables set up in common areas, etc.) and commercial sponsorship (providing assistance, funding, goods, equipment, or services to an MWR program or event).
(Created: July 20, 2015)
Are brochures, flyers, and catalogs provided through the education center considered personal commercial solicitation? Open FAQ
What are the requirements for an educational institution granted access solely to provide guidance to their students? Open FAQ
If a DoD installation grants access to an educational institution to provide guidance to their students, the educational institution and its agents will:
Only advise or counsel students at the education center or at a location approved by the responsible education advisor.
Maintain a record of students counseled and provide a copy to the education office upon departure from the visit. The record will annotate the type of program and the status of the Service member (current or re-enrollment).
Comply with applicable DoD installation policies and procedures designated by the installation commander on such matters as fire and safety, environment, physical security, personnel background checks, vehicle inspection and registration, and any other applicable statues or regulations designated by the installation commander.
Refer any walk-up potential recruits to the education center for initial education counseling.
(Created: July 20, 2015)
Does commercial sponsorship/advertising require a DoD installation access? Open FAQ
Yes. Participation in DoD installation activities, including commercial sponsorship/advertising agreements, require an educational institution to request DoD installation access. Such activities may be permissible when vetted through the responsible education advisor to ensure:
• Agreements do not conflict with the DoD Voluntary Education Partnership MOU.
• Educational institutions entering into such agreements are not automatically granted DoD installation access. The educational institution must submit a request to the responsible education advisor should the educational institution desire access to the DoD installation in relation to the agreement (e.g., sponsorship).
(Created: July 20, 2015)
Should non-compliance with DoD installation access requirements be reported? Open FAQ
Yes. Military education professionals (including education center personnel) should promptly report non-compliance with the provisions of DoDI 1322.25, "Voluntary Education Programs," directly to and applicable Service officials. Government officials are subject to applicable ethics regulations as recognized by the U.S. Office of Government Ethics.
(Created: July 20, 2015)
What kind of DoD installation access non-compliance activities should military education professionals report? Open FAQ
Military education professionals (including education center personnel) should report any educational institution or its agent that:
• Uses unfair, deceptive, abusive or fraudulent devices, schemes, or artifices, including misleading advertising or sales literature.
• Engages in unfair, deceptive, or abusive marketing tactics such as participating in unit briefings or assemblies, engaging in open recruiting efforts, or distributing marketing materials on the DoD installation at unapproved locations or events.
• Markets to or recruits newly assigned military personnel to the DoD installation, unless the Service member has received information about voluntary education programs and educational services available at that DoD installation, to include Tuition Assistance, from their education services staff or as part of their orientation to the new DoD installation.
• Provides programs/services not in accordance with the requirements of the contract and/or agreement.
(Created: July 20, 2015)
For TA eligibility purposes, which courses are calculated in the GPA? How can a student raise their GPA to regain TA eligibility? Open FAQ
The department does not have oversight of cumulative grade point average (GPA) as it relates to the institution unless all courses were funded with TA. DoD primarily tracks the student's GPA for TA funded courses. All courses paid by TA are considered in the GPA calculation, regardless of institution. If the Service member wants other courses to be included to raise the GPA for TA eligibility purposes, they can request a non-TA funded course be applied to raise the GPA. The military Services would determine the rules surrounding the process involved to apply non-TA funded courses.
(Created: June 13, 2014)
What is the new state authorization requirement? Open FAQ
Educational institutions are required to "Comply with state authorization requirements consistent with regulations issued by ED, including 34 C.F.R. 600.9. Educational institutions must meet all State laws as they relate to distance education as required." The department provided flexibility with the state authorization language of Change 4, DoDI 1322.25, in recognition of Department of Education's 34 CFR 600.9(c) being vacated by the federal court and ongoing negotiated rulemaking activities related to state authorization. The Department of Education (ED) maintains eligibility regulations for the Title IV programs as codified in Part 600 and 600.9 as a basic eligibility component for participation in the Title IV programs. For purposes of meeting the state authorizations provisions of the DoD Voluntary Education MOU, participating institutions must comply with 34 CFR 600.9 (a) and (b). Further, we recognize any additional rules ED provides for delayed implementation.
(Updated: July 07, 2014)
What kind of information is an educational institution required to provide on cost prior to registration? Open FAQ
Educational institutions that agree to adhere to the Principles of Excellence will provide military students with a personalized form covering the total cost of an educational program (tuition, fees, housing/meals, books/supplies, transportation, etc.), pre-enrollment program costs, student debt estimates, and financial aid options prior to any contractual agreement and/or registration. Military students should also be directed by educational institutions to use tools such as the Department of Education’s College Scorecard (, Financial Aid Shopping Sheet ( , and The College Navigator ( as well as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Paying For College application (, to compare college costs and explore college options.
(Updated: September 15, 2015)
What does it mean for an educational institution to provide academic and student support services to students? Does the educational institution have to provide the full suite of academic and student support services to individuals not enrolled at the educational institution? Open FAQ
Although academic and student support services offered to the general student population are highly encouraged, this requirement is intended to service military-connected students enrolled at the educational institution. Educational institutions should provide sufficient general information that allows potential students to determine whether the educational institution has a good record of graduating military students and positioning them for success in the workforce. Advising services should assist military students with the successful completion of their studies and with their job searches.
(Created: June 06, 2014)
What is the requirement to return unearned Tuition Assistance funds? Can you provide an example? Open FAQ
The Department requires the return of unearned TA funds on a proportional basis through at least the 60 percent portion of the course regardless of the reason for withdrawal (service-related or otherwise). The return of any TA funds will be returned directly to the military service, not to the service member. The requirement to return unearned TA funds on a proportional basis applies to the TA portion only. Any calculation performed by the institution would consider only TA program funds. For example, the Service paid $250.00 and the student paid $30.00 out of pocket. In this scenario, if the student withdrew at the 60 percent point and the institution's return of unearned TA policy calls for a 10 percent return of TA funds at that point, the institution would return $25 (10 percent of $250) to the Service. The Department provided flexibility inherent in the use of the language "proportional" (vice pro-rated) to allow educational institutions to align their institutional refund policies with the return of unearned TA funds. The Department encourages educational institutions to particularly work with service members that stop attending due to a military service obligation in identifying solutions that will not result in a student debt for the returned portion.
(Created: June 05, 2014)
What do the listed statuses mean (Active, Title IV Non-Compliant, Probation, Suspended, and Terminated)? Where will this information be posted? Open FAQ
The status function will strengthen the departments’ oversight, enforcement, and accountability of the DoD Voluntary Education Partnership MOU. Status descriptions:
1. Active status indicates an educational institution that has a signed Voluntary Education Partnership MOU with DoD. While in an Active status, the educational institution is authorized to sign up new students and support existing students using military tuition assistance.
Posted: All educational institutions listed in the Active Participating Institutions file and on the Participating Institutions list are in an active status.
2. Title IV Non-Compliant status reflects an educational institution that has a signed Voluntary Education Partnership MOU with DoD. The institution is not currently certified to participate in federal student aid programs but have been provided 18 months to successfully meet the Title IV requirement by DoD (Deadline: 11:59 p.m. EST on January 05, 2016) While in a Title IV Non-Compliant status, the educational institution is NOT authorized to sign up new students using military tuition assistance. However, they may continue to support their existing military TA students. Unless the Title IV requirement has been met, the Title IV Non-Compliant status will be removed and the DoD Voluntary Education Partnership MOU will terminate upon the deadline of 11:59 p.m. EST on January 05, 2016. Institutions are not removed from the Participating Institutions list while in this status.
Posted: Status is provided to educational institution throughout the application process via pop-up messages/emails, will be displayed on the Participating Institutions list (Status column), and listed on the institution’s signature page.
3. Probation status indicates an educational institution that has a signed Voluntary Education Partnership MOU with DoD. However, the institution received official notification disclosing the terms of probation. Probation may be based on potential non-compliance (i.e., loss of accreditation, Title IV/VA disapproval, complaint receipt, or interagency referral) with the DoD Voluntary Education Partnership MOU. While in a Probation status, the educational institution is NOT authorized to sign up new students using military tuition assistance. However, they may continue to support their existing military TA students. Institutions are not removed from the Participating Institutions list while in this status.
Posted: Status is provided to educational institution via system notification of probation with further instructions and will be displayed on the Participating Institutions list (Status column).
4. Suspended status reflects an educational institution that does not have a signed Voluntary Education Partnership MOU with DoD. In addition, the institution received official notification of Suspension. Suspension may be based on founded non-compliance (i.e., loss of accreditation, Title IV/VA disapproval, complaint adjudication, or interagency referral) with the DoD Voluntary Education Partnership MOU. While in a Suspended status, the educational institution is not eligible to participate in military tuition assistance. Educational institutions must request removal of the Suspended status from DoD to initiate a new MOU Verification Application. Institutions are removed from the Participating Institutions list while in this status.
Posted: Status will not be displayed on the Participating Institutions list. Educational institution will receive system notification of suspension with further instructions.
5. Terminated status indicates an educational institution that does not have a signed Voluntary Education Partnership MOU with DoD. While in a Terminated status, the educational institution is not eligible to participate in military tuition assistance. Institutions are removed from the Participating Institutions list while in this status. Terminated status is based on the educational institution’s desire to terminate or expiration of the Voluntary Education Partnership MOU term (typically 5 years) without renewal. Educational institution may initiate a new DoD MOU Verification Application from their dashboard while in a Terminated status.
Posted: Status will not be displayed on the Participating Institution list. Educational institution will receive system notification of termination with further instructions.
Who do Institutions contact in regards to Service-specific TA policies? Open FAQ
For information on Service-specific TA policies, Service contact information is available at:
Note: Institutions are required to have a signed DoD MOU in order to receive military tuition assistance. However, tuition assistance eligibility is contingent upon the individual Service tuition assistance policies.
(Created: May 20, 2014)
How do I reset my DoD MOU User Account password? Open FAQ
Step 1: > Institution Login > Click on Forgot Password?
Step 2: Enter your DoD MOU User Account email address > Submit
Step 3: Answer the security question > Submit
Step 4: A pop-up message notifying you that an email with a link to reset your password will be sent to the designated e-mail address.
Step 5: Next, you will receive an email from for Password Assistance. Click on the provided link. Link expires in 15 days. If the link expires, you will have to start the process over again.
Step 6: Choose and confirm new password.
Step 7: Pop-up message is received stating the password has been successfully changed. Click link to return to login page.
Step 8: Login to your User Account.
If you have further questions on resetting your password, please view the Institution Guide located on homepage, Reset Password, or contact the MOU Technical Team at 850.452.1977 or email:
(Updated: October 03, 2023)
Who do I contact if I have questions about the DoD MOU? Open FAQ
The MOU Technical Team hours of operation are Mon-Fri, 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (CST). For assistance, contact them via email: or call 850.452.1977.
(Updated: October 03, 2023)
Who at the school signs the MOU? Open FAQ
The President/CEO/Chancellor of the main institution should sign the MOU for the institution. The institution’s parent/home/main campus will be signatory of the MOU for all identified locations/campuses/sites within the institution’s system.
The main institution is required to identify all additional locations/campuses/sites to be included in the DoD Voluntary Education Partnership MOU. Only locations identified through the signed MOU with DoD will be permitted to participate in the military TA program.
One (1) signed Voluntary Education Partnership MOU with the main institution will cover any program offered by the institution as long as the course offerings are covered by the institution’s accreditation.
If the institution appoints someone other than the President/CEO/Chancellor to act on their behalf for all Voluntary Education Partnership MOU matters, a Designation Letter (on college letterhead signed by the President/CEO/Chancellor) must be uploaded into verification application on the Signing Authority page for approval.
(Updated: June 01, 2014)
What is the term of DoD Voluntary Education Partnership MOU? Open FAQ
The DoD Voluntary Education Partnership MOU document is effective for five (5) years. The effective date will be the date the authorized DoD official signs the MOU. DoD will consider waivers for institutions with legislative restrictions prohibiting them from signing a five (5) year term MOU.
Note: Waiver requests with detailed supporting documents should be uploaded on the "TA Eligible Programs" tab in the DoD MOU application for consideration. The verification application cannot be moved through the process until DoD approves the new term. DoD reserves the right to decline waivers.
(Updated: January 21, 2016)
How do I get appointed as my educational institution's respondent for the Postsecondary Education Complaint System (PECS)? Open FAQ
The MOU application allows an institution to appoint a compliance point of contact for the PECS. This individual will work directly with DoD representatives to address complaints/concerns submitted in reference to the educational institution.
(Created: May 15, 2014)
Where can I find more information about the Postsecondary Education Complaint System (PECS)? Open FAQ
Letters issued to the participating institutions and Military students can be viewed on the homepage, "Resources" section. To view the .pdf letter, click on "DoD Launches the Postsecondary Education Complaint System (PECS)." PECS contact information can be viewed by clicking on the "Contact Us" tab on homepage.
(Updated: June 01, 2014)
Some of my institution’s data populated from the ED data feed is incorrect. How can I correct this? Open FAQ
(Created: May 15, 2014)
Who do I contact when my OPE ID cannot be found via the weekly ED data feed? Open FAQ
The DoD MOU system checks the ED data feed weekly. Please check the OPE ID number entered for accuracy and resubmit. If your institution has recently received Title IV eligibility from the Department of Education OR you continue to receive this error message, please contact the school participation team for your state at Only main institutions' OPE ID numbers ending in "00" will be accepted in the DoD MOU application system. Once the OPE ID number has been entered, click "Submit."
(Updated: June 28, 2021)
Who do I contact when my OPE ID cannot be found on the VA data feed? Open FAQ
The OPE ID number entered cannot be found on the VA data feed. The system checks the VA data feed weekly. Please check the OPE ID number entered for accuracy and resubmit. If your institution has recently received approval from the Department of Veterans Affairs OR you continue to receive this error message, please contact the MOU Technical Team for further assistance. They can be reached at or 850.452.1977.
(Updated: October 03, 2023)
What information is required to be submitted in the application? Open FAQ
From the homepage, simply click on Step 2 to retrieve the Application Checklist. The checklist outlines all of the information a school should have on hand prior to initiating the MOU application to include guidance for the application process.
Note: Data used to populate basic information about the educational institution is extracted from the U.S. Department of Education’s (ED) Postsecondary Education Participants System (PEPS).
(Updated: June 01, 2014)
How do I submit a DoD MOU Verification Application? Open FAQ
Go to the homepage and follow the three steps located at the bottom of the page.
(Updated: June 01, 2014)
What is an Office of Postsecondary Education Identification (OPE ID) number? Open FAQ
The Office of Postsecondary Education Identification (OPE ID) number is assigned by the ED. It is an 8-digit number for institutions eligible to participate in federal student financial aid programs and receive Title IV funding. The first 6-digits of the OPE ID number relate to the main institution, and are followed by a 2-digit suffix used to identify branches, additional locations, and other entities that are part of the main institution.
To apply for an OPE ID, visit
(Created: May 15, 2014)
What is the institution’s accreditation requirement? Open FAQ
All institutions must be accredited by a national or regional accrediting body recognized by the ED and conduct programs only from among those offered or authorized by the main administrative and academic office in accordance with standard procedures for authorization of degree programs by the educational institution. The ED recognizes "institutional" accreditation as well as "specialized" or "programmatic" accreditation for Title IV purposes as all of the recognized specialized agencies accredit nationally. For the purpose of the DoD MOU, the list of recognized accrediting agencies can be found at
(Created: May 15, 2014)
What are the institution’s Title IV requirements? Open FAQ
1. Must be certified to participate in federal student aid programs through the ED under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965. Title IV certification may be provisional so long as the educational institution maintains eligibility to participate in the Federal Direct Loan Program. (Reference Change 4, DoDI 1322.25 (April 02, 2020) (Enclosure 3, 3.f.(4)(page 22).
2. New applicants will be required to meet the Title IV requirement before signing a DoD Voluntary Education Partnership MOU.
(Updated: Jan. 09 2023)
Can institutions accept military tuition assistance funding for courses that begin prior to them receiving a MOU signed by DoD? Open FAQ
No. All institutions providing high school completion and postsecondary education programs through the DoD Tuition Assistance (TA) Program must have a signed, approved Voluntary Education Partnership MOU on file with DoD prior to service members receiving TA approval to attend their institution.
(Created: May 15, 2014)
What are the institution’s TA eligibility requirements? Open FAQ
1. Have a signed Voluntary Education Partnership MOU with DoD (contained as an enclosure to DoDI 1322.25).
2. Are in compliance with state requirements and laws.
3. Are state-approved for the use of veterans’ education benefits (post-9/11 GI Bill).
4. Are certified to participate in federal student aid programs through the Department of Education.
5. Are accredited by a national or regional accrediting body recognized by the Department of Education and conduct programs that support degree programs from that institution.
(Note: Tuition assistance eligibility is contingent upon the individual Service tuition assistance policies. For more information on Service-specific TA policies, Service contact information is available at:
(Created: May 20, 2014)
Where can I view Change 4, Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 1322.25, “Voluntary Education Programs?” Open FAQ
You can view the DoD Instruction from this link: DoDI 1322.25, Change 4 and also from a sample of the DoD MOU (Step 1 at the bottom of the homepage).
(Updated: May 25, 2021)
FAQs by Category
For TA eligibility purposes, which courses are calculated in the GPA? How can a student raise their GPA to regain TA eligibility?
The department does not have oversight of cumulative grade point average (GPA) as it relates to the institution unless all courses were funded with TA. DoD primarily tracks the student's GPA for TA funded courses. All courses paid by TA are considered in the GPA calculation, regardless of institution. If the Service member wants other courses to be included to raise the GPA for TA eligibility purposes, they can request a non-TA funded course be applied to raise the GPA. The military Services would determine the rules surrounding the process involved to apply non-TA funded courses.
(Created: June 13, 2014)
What kind of information is an educational institution required to provide on cost prior to registration?
Educational institutions that agree to adhere to the Principles of Excellence will provide military students with a personalized form covering the total cost of an educational program (tuition, fees, housing/meals, books/supplies, transportation, etc.), pre-enrollment program costs, student debt estimates, and financial aid options prior to any contractual agreement and/or registration. Military students should also be directed by educational institutions to use tools such as the Department of Education’s College Scorecard (, Financial Aid Shopping Sheet ( , and The College Navigator ( as well as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Paying For College application (, to compare college costs and explore college options.
(Updated: September 15, 2015)
What does it mean for an educational institution to provide academic and student support services to students? Does the educational institution have to provide the full suite of academic and student support services to individuals not enrolled at the educational institution?
Although academic and student support services offered to the general student population are highly encouraged, this requirement is intended to service military-connected students enrolled at the educational institution. Educational institutions should provide sufficient general information that allows potential students to determine whether the educational institution has a good record of graduating military students and positioning them for success in the workforce. Advising services should assist military students with the successful completion of their studies and with their job searches.
(Created: June 06, 2014)
What is the requirement to return unearned Tuition Assistance funds? Can you provide an example?
The Department requires the return of unearned TA funds on a proportional basis through at least the 60 percent portion of the course regardless of the reason for withdrawal (service-related or otherwise). The return of any TA funds will be returned directly to the military service, not to the service member. The requirement to return unearned TA funds on a proportional basis applies to the TA portion only. Any calculation performed by the institution would consider only TA program funds. For example, the Service paid $250.00 and the student paid $30.00 out of pocket. In this scenario, if the student withdrew at the 60 percent point and the institution's return of unearned TA policy calls for a 10 percent return of TA funds at that point, the institution would return $25 (10 percent of $250) to the Service. The Department provided flexibility inherent in the use of the language "proportional" (vice pro-rated) to allow educational institutions to align their institutional refund policies with the return of unearned TA funds. The Department encourages educational institutions to particularly work with service members that stop attending due to a military service obligation in identifying solutions that will not result in a student debt for the returned portion.
(Created: June 05, 2014)
How do I get appointed as my educational institution's respondent for the Postsecondary Education Complaint System (PECS)?
The MOU application allows an institution to appoint a compliance point of contact for the PECS. This individual will work directly with DoD representatives to address complaints/concerns submitted in reference to the educational institution.
(Created: May 15, 2014)
Where can I find more information about the Postsecondary Education Complaint System (PECS)?
Letters issued to the participating institutions and Military students can be viewed on the homepage, "Resources" section. To view the .pdf letter, click on "DoD Launches the Postsecondary Education Complaint System (PECS)." PECS contact information can be viewed by clicking on the "Contact Us" tab on homepage.
(Updated: June 01, 2014)
Some of my institution’s data populated from the ED data feed is incorrect. How can I correct this?
(Created: May 15, 2014)
What are the institution’s TA eligibility requirements?
1. Have a signed Voluntary Education Partnership MOU with DoD (contained as an enclosure to DoDI 1322.25).
2. Are in compliance with state requirements and laws.
3. Are state-approved for the use of veterans’ education benefits (post-9/11 GI Bill).
4. Are certified to participate in federal student aid programs through the Department of Education.
5. Are accredited by a national or regional accrediting body recognized by the Department of Education and conduct programs that support degree programs from that institution.
(Note: Tuition assistance eligibility is contingent upon the individual Service tuition assistance policies. For more information on Service-specific TA policies, Service contact information is available at:
(Created: May 20, 2014)
What is the new state authorization requirement?
Educational institutions are required to "Comply with state authorization requirements consistent with regulations issued by ED, including 34 C.F.R. 600.9. Educational institutions must meet all State laws as they relate to distance education as required." The department provided flexibility with the state authorization language of Change 4, DoDI 1322.25, in recognition of Department of Education's 34 CFR 600.9(c) being vacated by the federal court and ongoing negotiated rulemaking activities related to state authorization. The Department of Education (ED) maintains eligibility regulations for the Title IV programs as codified in Part 600 and 600.9 as a basic eligibility component for participation in the Title IV programs. For purposes of meeting the state authorizations provisions of the DoD Voluntary Education MOU, participating institutions must comply with 34 CFR 600.9 (a) and (b). Further, we recognize any additional rules ED provides for delayed implementation.
(Updated: July 07, 2014)
Who do Institutions contact in regards to Service-specific TA policies?
For information on Service-specific TA policies, Service contact information is available at:
Note: Institutions are required to have a signed DoD MOU in order to receive military tuition assistance. However, tuition assistance eligibility is contingent upon the individual Service tuition assistance policies.
(Created: May 20, 2014)
Where can I view Change 4, Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 1322.25, “Voluntary Education Programs?”
You can view the DoD Instruction from this link: DoDI 1322.25, Change 4 and also from a sample of the DoD MOU (Step 1 at the bottom of the homepage).
(Updated: May 25, 2021)
DoD MOU Requirements
How long does it take for applications to be approved for a DoD MOU?
How do I reset my DoD MOU User Account password?
Step 1: > Institution Login > Click on Forgot Password?
Step 2: Enter your DoD MOU User Account email address > Submit
Step 3: Answer the security question > Submit
Step 4: A pop-up message notifying you that an email with a link to reset your password will be sent to the designated e-mail address.
Step 5: Next, you will receive an email from for Password Assistance. Click on the provided link. Link expires in 15 days. If the link expires, you will have to start the process over again.
Step 6: Choose and confirm new password.
Step 7: Pop-up message is received stating the password has been successfully changed. Click link to return to login page.
Step 8: Login to your User Account.
If you have further questions on resetting your password, please view the Institution Guide located on homepage, Reset Password, or contact the MOU Technical Team at 850.452.1977 or email:
(Updated: October 03, 2023)
Who do I contact if I have questions about the DoD MOU?
The MOU Technical Team hours of operation are Mon-Fri, 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (CST). For assistance, contact them via email: or call 850.452.1977.
(Updated: October 03, 2023)
Who at the school signs the MOU?
The President/CEO/Chancellor of the main institution should sign the MOU for the institution. The institution’s parent/home/main campus will be signatory of the MOU for all identified locations/campuses/sites within the institution’s system.
The main institution is required to identify all additional locations/campuses/sites to be included in the DoD Voluntary Education Partnership MOU. Only locations identified through the signed MOU with DoD will be permitted to participate in the military TA program.
One (1) signed Voluntary Education Partnership MOU with the main institution will cover any program offered by the institution as long as the course offerings are covered by the institution’s accreditation.
If the institution appoints someone other than the President/CEO/Chancellor to act on their behalf for all Voluntary Education Partnership MOU matters, a Designation Letter (on college letterhead signed by the President/CEO/Chancellor) must be uploaded into verification application on the Signing Authority page for approval.
(Updated: June 01, 2014)
What is the term of DoD Voluntary Education Partnership MOU?
The DoD Voluntary Education Partnership MOU document is effective for five (5) years. The effective date will be the date the authorized DoD official signs the MOU. DoD will consider waivers for institutions with legislative restrictions prohibiting them from signing a five (5) year term MOU.
Note: Waiver requests with detailed supporting documents should be uploaded on the "TA Eligible Programs" tab in the DoD MOU application for consideration. The verification application cannot be moved through the process until DoD approves the new term. DoD reserves the right to decline waivers.
(Updated: January 21, 2016)
What information is required to be submitted in the application?
From the homepage, simply click on Step 2 to retrieve the Application Checklist. The checklist outlines all of the information a school should have on hand prior to initiating the MOU application to include guidance for the application process.
Note: Data used to populate basic information about the educational institution is extracted from the U.S. Department of Education’s (ED) Postsecondary Education Participants System (PEPS).
(Updated: June 01, 2014)
How do I submit a DoD MOU Verification Application?
Go to the homepage and follow the three steps located at the bottom of the page.
(Updated: June 01, 2014)
What is the institution’s accreditation requirement?
All institutions must be accredited by a national or regional accrediting body recognized by the ED and conduct programs only from among those offered or authorized by the main administrative and academic office in accordance with standard procedures for authorization of degree programs by the educational institution. The ED recognizes "institutional" accreditation as well as "specialized" or "programmatic" accreditation for Title IV purposes as all of the recognized specialized agencies accredit nationally. For the purpose of the DoD MOU, the list of recognized accrediting agencies can be found at
(Created: May 15, 2014)
What are the institution’s Title IV requirements?
1. Must be certified to participate in federal student aid programs through the ED under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965. Title IV certification may be provisional so long as the educational institution maintains eligibility to participate in the Federal Direct Loan Program. (Reference Change 4, DoDI 1322.25 (April 02, 2020) (Enclosure 3, 3.f.(4)(page 22).
2. New applicants will be required to meet the Title IV requirement before signing a DoD Voluntary Education Partnership MOU.
(Updated: Jan. 09 2023)
Can institutions accept military tuition assistance funding for courses that begin prior to them receiving a MOU signed by DoD?
No. All institutions providing high school completion and postsecondary education programs through the DoD Tuition Assistance (TA) Program must have a signed, approved Voluntary Education Partnership MOU on file with DoD prior to service members receiving TA approval to attend their institution.
(Created: May 15, 2014)
Installation/Base Access
What are the requirements for DoD installation access?
DoD Instruction 1322.25, "Voluntary Education Programs," allows educational institutions access to installations to provide programs, services, and education guidance to their students or to participate in sanctioned education fairs. It also has a new section covering access for institutions that only want to provide academic counseling or support services to their students. These institutions must have a minimum of 20 military-connected students enrolled and must adhere to certain reporting requirements following the visit. Additional information is available on by clicking "Department of Defense (DoD) Voluntary Education DoD Installation Access Tips and Resource Links" in the "Resources" box in the lower right corner.
(Created: July 20, 2015)
What is considered a DoD installation for this requirement? Is this limited to active duty military installations?
Can my educational institution request DoD installation access? What are the requirements?
Any educational institution can request installation access for permissible activities (to provide programs, services, and education guidance to their students or to participate in sanctioned education fairs). In order to obtain DoD installation access an educational institution must:
Submit a written request to the responsible education advisor who will analyze the request and make a determination on behalf of the installation commander.
Have a signed Voluntary Education Partnership MOU with DoD. Further, a signed Voluntary Education Partnership MOU with DoD is dependent on the educational institution being state-approved for the use of veterans' education benefits, certified to participate in federal student aid programs through the Department of Education (ED), and accredited by a national or regional accrediting body recognized by the ED.
Be in compliance with state requirements and laws.
In addition, educational institutions requesting access solely to provide academic counseling or support services to students must have a minimum number of 20 military-connected students enrolled at that installation and must adhere to certain reporting requirements following the visit. Further, educational institutions requesting access to provide on-installation education programs or services must follow applicable DoD installation policies and procedures. Access granted for the performance of contracted services is permitted only in accordance with the requirements of the contract and/or agreement.
(Created: July 20, 2015)
How does an educational institution request DoD installation access?
Does my institution need to sign a separate MOU with each DoD installation we request access to?
No. The DoD Voluntary Education Partnership MOU serves as the uniform MOU with DoD outlining the requirements for DoD installation access. For example, signing a separate MOU with the installation is not a requirement for educational institutions solely providing academic counseling or support services to students or participating at sanctioned education fairs at approved locations. However, each DoD installation may require installation-specific requests and reporting procedures for this type of access. Educational institutions that provide on-installation education programs or services such as classroom instruction, however, must sign an MOU with that installation in addition to meeting the DoD installation access provisions of DoDI 1322.25, "Voluntary Education Programs." The installation-specific MOU stipulates the additional provisions for which an educational institution is permitted access to the DoD installation in performance of contracted services.
(Created: July 20, 2015)
Can a third party provider access the DoD installation on behalf of an educational institution?
Who is responsible for granting and monitoring DoD installation access?
All requests for DoD installation access by an educational institution are referred to the responsible education advisor (government official). The education advisor, on behalf of the installation commander, is responsible for ensuring all educational institutions and its agents granted access to DoD installations to provide education, guidance, training opportunities, and participate in sanctioned education fairs to Service members adhere to referenced laws and instructions, applicable DoD installation policies and procedures. In accordance with DoDI 1322.25, "Voluntary Education Programs," an education advisor is a professionally qualified, subject matter expert or program manager in the Education Services Series 1740 or possessing equivalent qualifications at the education center. This responsibility is inherently governmental to be performed by a government official. Commonly used position titles include, but are not limited to, Education Services Specialist (ESS), Education Services Officer (ESO), Voluntary Education Director, Navy College Office Director, and Education and Training Section (ETS) Chief.
What are the responsibilities for granting DoD installation access?
Responsible education advisors will ensure educational institutions granted access to DoD installations have a signed MOU in good standing with DoD and are in compliance with state requirements and laws. They will fully consider each request received for appropriate and adequate access providing a timely response to all properly submitted requests. DoD installation access is not guaranteed and requires careful consideration of the following:
Purpose of Visit. Types of permissible activities include the delivery of education/training programs or services through an installation-specific Memorandum of Understanding (only type of visit that supports regular/recurring format); the provision of academic counseling or support services; and recruitment, marketing, and advertising visits (i.e., education fairs, job training, career/transition events, or sponsorship).
Capability to Host. Factors may include, but are not limited to, the consistent treatment of educational institutions, value to the Service member and mission tempo of the servicing DoD Installation and/or education office.
Status of DoD Voluntary Education Partnership MOU. Educational institutions having an MOU not in good standing with DoD (i.e., Probationary or Title IV Non-Compliant Status) are limited to DoD installation access that supports current students for “teach-out” activities.
The responsible education advisor will ensure access granted to provide on-installation education programs or services complies with DoDI 1322.25, "Voluntary Education Programs," requirements (e.g., communicate needs to wide variety of potential providers, derive requirements from periodic needs assessment, and follow applicable DoD installation policies and procedures). If a request is denied, the responsible education advisor will provide the reason(s) for denial in writing. Copies of all correspondence pertaining to DoD installation access requests and determinations will be maintained for a minimum of two years.
(Created: July 20, 2015)
What are the responsibilities for monitoring DoD installation access?
Responsible education advisors will monitor educational institutions and its agents granted access to DoD installations ensuring the compliance with the provisions of DoDI 1322.25, "Voluntary Education Programs," during the visit. Further, they will ensure educational institutions do not:
Use unfair, deceptive, abusive or fraudulent devices, schemes, or artifices, including misleading advertising or sales literature.
Engage in unfair, deceptive, or abusive marketing tactics such as participating in unit briefings or assemblies, engaging in open recruiting efforts, or distributing marketing materials on the DoD installation at unapproved locations or events.
Market to or recruit newly assigned military personnel to the DoD installation, unless the Service member has received information about voluntary education programs and educational services available at that DoD installation, to include TA, from their education services staff or as part of their orientation to the new DoD installation.
Provide programs/services not in accordance with the requirements of the contract and/or agreement.
The responsible education advisor will obtain a record of students counseled (academic counseling or support services only) provided upon departure of the institutional representative.
Is advertising and marketing considered DoD installation access?
Any contact by an educational institution with a Service member for the purpose of asking or encouraging the member to sign up for one of the educational institution’s programs (assuming the program has some cost) is considered personal commercial solicitations. The responsible education advisor will ensure educational institutions comply with DoD Instruction 1344.07, "Personal Commercial Solicitation", on DoD Installations and all requirements established by the installation commander for solicitation. Personal commercial solicitation includes, but is not limited to, advertising (billboards, signs, newspaper/base publication ads, tables set up in common areas, etc.) and commercial sponsorship (providing assistance, funding, goods, equipment, or services to an MWR program or event).
(Created: July 20, 2015)
Are brochures, flyers, and catalogs provided through the education center considered personal commercial solicitation?
What are the requirements for an educational institution granted access solely to provide guidance to their students?
If a DoD installation grants access to an educational institution to provide guidance to their students, the educational institution and its agents will:
Only advise or counsel students at the education center or at a location approved by the responsible education advisor.
Maintain a record of students counseled and provide a copy to the education office upon departure from the visit. The record will annotate the type of program and the status of the Service member (current or re-enrollment).
Comply with applicable DoD installation policies and procedures designated by the installation commander on such matters as fire and safety, environment, physical security, personnel background checks, vehicle inspection and registration, and any other applicable statues or regulations designated by the installation commander.
Refer any walk-up potential recruits to the education center for initial education counseling.
(Created: July 20, 2015)
Does commercial sponsorship/advertising require a DoD installation access?
Yes. Participation in DoD installation activities, including commercial sponsorship/advertising agreements, require an educational institution to request DoD installation access. Such activities may be permissible when vetted through the responsible education advisor to ensure:
• Agreements do not conflict with the DoD Voluntary Education Partnership MOU.
• Educational institutions entering into such agreements are not automatically granted DoD installation access. The educational institution must submit a request to the responsible education advisor should the educational institution desire access to the DoD installation in relation to the agreement (e.g., sponsorship).
(Created: July 20, 2015)
Should non-compliance with DoD installation access requirements be reported?
Yes. Military education professionals (including education center personnel) should promptly report non-compliance with the provisions of DoDI 1322.25, "Voluntary Education Programs," directly to and applicable Service officials. Government officials are subject to applicable ethics regulations as recognized by the U.S. Office of Government Ethics.
(Created: July 20, 2015)
What kind of DoD installation access non-compliance activities should military education professionals report?
Military education professionals (including education center personnel) should report any educational institution or its agent that:
• Uses unfair, deceptive, abusive or fraudulent devices, schemes, or artifices, including misleading advertising or sales literature.
• Engages in unfair, deceptive, or abusive marketing tactics such as participating in unit briefings or assemblies, engaging in open recruiting efforts, or distributing marketing materials on the DoD installation at unapproved locations or events.
• Markets to or recruits newly assigned military personnel to the DoD installation, unless the Service member has received information about voluntary education programs and educational services available at that DoD installation, to include Tuition Assistance, from their education services staff or as part of their orientation to the new DoD installation.
• Provides programs/services not in accordance with the requirements of the contract and/or agreement.
(Created: July 20, 2015)
Who do I contact when my OPE ID cannot be found via the weekly ED data feed?
The DoD MOU system checks the ED data feed weekly. Please check the OPE ID number entered for accuracy and resubmit. If your institution has recently received Title IV eligibility from the Department of Education OR you continue to receive this error message, please contact the school participation team for your state at Only main institutions' OPE ID numbers ending in "00" will be accepted in the DoD MOU application system. Once the OPE ID number has been entered, click "Submit."
(Updated: June 28, 2021)
Who do I contact when my OPE ID cannot be found on the VA data feed?
The OPE ID number entered cannot be found on the VA data feed. The system checks the VA data feed weekly. Please check the OPE ID number entered for accuracy and resubmit. If your institution has recently received approval from the Department of Veterans Affairs OR you continue to receive this error message, please contact the MOU Technical Team for further assistance. They can be reached at or 850.452.1977.
(Updated: October 03, 2023)
What is an Office of Postsecondary Education Identification (OPE ID) number?
The Office of Postsecondary Education Identification (OPE ID) number is assigned by the ED. It is an 8-digit number for institutions eligible to participate in federal student financial aid programs and receive Title IV funding. The first 6-digits of the OPE ID number relate to the main institution, and are followed by a 2-digit suffix used to identify branches, additional locations, and other entities that are part of the main institution.
To apply for an OPE ID, visit
(Created: May 15, 2014)
Participation Institutions
What is the Participating Institutions list?
What do the listed statuses mean (Active, Title IV Non-Compliant, Probation, Suspended, and Terminated)? Where will this information be posted?
The status function will strengthen the departments’ oversight, enforcement, and accountability of the DoD Voluntary Education Partnership MOU. Status descriptions:
1. Active status indicates an educational institution that has a signed Voluntary Education Partnership MOU with DoD. While in an Active status, the educational institution is authorized to sign up new students and support existing students using military tuition assistance.
Posted: All educational institutions listed in the Active Participating Institutions file and on the Participating Institutions list are in an active status.
2. Title IV Non-Compliant status reflects an educational institution that has a signed Voluntary Education Partnership MOU with DoD. The institution is not currently certified to participate in federal student aid programs but have been provided 18 months to successfully meet the Title IV requirement by DoD (Deadline: 11:59 p.m. EST on January 05, 2016) While in a Title IV Non-Compliant status, the educational institution is NOT authorized to sign up new students using military tuition assistance. However, they may continue to support their existing military TA students. Unless the Title IV requirement has been met, the Title IV Non-Compliant status will be removed and the DoD Voluntary Education Partnership MOU will terminate upon the deadline of 11:59 p.m. EST on January 05, 2016. Institutions are not removed from the Participating Institutions list while in this status.
Posted: Status is provided to educational institution throughout the application process via pop-up messages/emails, will be displayed on the Participating Institutions list (Status column), and listed on the institution’s signature page.
3. Probation status indicates an educational institution that has a signed Voluntary Education Partnership MOU with DoD. However, the institution received official notification disclosing the terms of probation. Probation may be based on potential non-compliance (i.e., loss of accreditation, Title IV/VA disapproval, complaint receipt, or interagency referral) with the DoD Voluntary Education Partnership MOU. While in a Probation status, the educational institution is NOT authorized to sign up new students using military tuition assistance. However, they may continue to support their existing military TA students. Institutions are not removed from the Participating Institutions list while in this status.
Posted: Status is provided to educational institution via system notification of probation with further instructions and will be displayed on the Participating Institutions list (Status column).
4. Suspended status reflects an educational institution that does not have a signed Voluntary Education Partnership MOU with DoD. In addition, the institution received official notification of Suspension. Suspension may be based on founded non-compliance (i.e., loss of accreditation, Title IV/VA disapproval, complaint adjudication, or interagency referral) with the DoD Voluntary Education Partnership MOU. While in a Suspended status, the educational institution is not eligible to participate in military tuition assistance. Educational institutions must request removal of the Suspended status from DoD to initiate a new MOU Verification Application. Institutions are removed from the Participating Institutions list while in this status.
Posted: Status will not be displayed on the Participating Institutions list. Educational institution will receive system notification of suspension with further instructions.
5. Terminated status indicates an educational institution that does not have a signed Voluntary Education Partnership MOU with DoD. While in a Terminated status, the educational institution is not eligible to participate in military tuition assistance. Institutions are removed from the Participating Institutions list while in this status. Terminated status is based on the educational institution’s desire to terminate or expiration of the Voluntary Education Partnership MOU term (typically 5 years) without renewal. Educational institution may initiate a new DoD MOU Verification Application from their dashboard while in a Terminated status.
Posted: Status will not be displayed on the Participating Institution list. Educational institution will receive system notification of termination with further instructions.