The Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel Readiness provides overall policy guidelines for voluntary education programs in the Department of Defense. These responsibilities are accomplished through the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Community and Family Policy and the Chief of Continuing Education in the Educational Opportunities Directorate.
Application for DoD MOU
The revision to the Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 1322.25, "Voluntary Education Programs," includes an appendix containing the DoD Voluntary Education Partnership Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between DoD Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD(P&R)) and educational institutions. DoD policy requires educational institutions that wish to participate in the DoD Tuition Assistance (TA) Program to sign an MOU conveying the commitments and agreements between the educational institution and DoD prior to an educational institution receiving funds from a service's TA program. The memorandum and a list of educational institutions that have signed can be found at https://www.dodmou.com.
RETRIEVEInstitution Guide
Updated March, 2019
SUBMITVerification Application
Browser Update: On January 12, 2016, Microsoft ended support for Internet Explorer 8, 9, and 10. Users with unsupported browsers may find that some of the MOU application features do not function or the web page does not load correctly. Upgrading to Internet Explorer 11 or another browser will improve your user experience and provide improved security and performance.

The Department of Defense Branding and Trademark Licensing Program Office, in collaboration with the Military Service Trademark Licensing Offices and the DoD Voluntary Education program, developed and published a new guide related to the use of official seals and other protected logos, insignia and marks of the DoD and Military Services. View the guide.
1322.25, Change 4, dated 7 July 2014
DoDI 1322.25, Change 4, Appendix to Enclosure 3, 4.f.(4) requires participating EIs to provide
the tuition rates for each of their eligible Tuition Assistance (TA) programs to the Services on an
annual basis.
• A number of EIs with approved MOUs fail to update their annual tuition rates on the DoD
MOU Portal, resulting in expired and inaccurate tuition rate information displayed in the
Services' data downloads.
• To increase accuracy, effective 1 October 2022, EIs with “Expired” Tuition Rates will not
have their rate information loaded to the Services TA data downloads (a blank entry will
be displayed).
• EIs with “Expired” rates are encouraged to submit their annual tuition rates to the DOD
MOU Portal as soon as possible. Tuition rate changes will be implemented on the
“From” date listed on the EI’s upcoming academic calendar date range.
• Many EIs have requested waivers to the 90-day implementation requirement since tuition
rates at many public institutions are established by entities for which they have no
jurisdiction, such as State legislatures and boards. As a result, EI tuition rate decisions are
often not made within the 90-day required window. To mitigate this situation, the EI will
request a waiver, (via the DoD MOU webpage) and provide the Services with the new
tuition charges. To the extent practicable by State law or regulation, Service members
already enrolled will not be impacted by changes in tuition charges.
• All EIs with no changes to tuition rates are still required to update the academic calendar
date range for the upcoming academic year located in the "Tuition Rate Info" section of the
DOD MOU and submit for review/acceptance.
• For technical assistance with EI’s tuition rate, review the Pending Tuition Rate Updates
section of the Institution Guide, page 73 (located on DOD MOU Portal dashboard) or
contact the MOU Technical Team at voledconcerns@navy.mil.
The Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Education and Training (OASD (FE&T)), email: osd.pentagon.ousd-p-r.mbx.vol-edu-compliance@mail.mil
Click here for more information
Aligning Service Member Career Goals
with Education Investment
The Department of Defense Voluntary Education program shapes quality educational experiences that enrich, foster, and develop the lives of service members. This video provides an introduction to the Voluntary Education vision, mission, and role in supporting military students.
The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness is pleased to announce the kickoff of the Department's new Voluntary Education Institutional Compliance Program (ICP).
The Department of Defense announces the launch of the Postsecondary Education Complaint System which will provide a centralized online reporting system for service members and their families to use in reporting problems with education institutions. Agency partners including the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Education are also launching online feedback tools providing a centralized system for veterans, service members and eligible family members to file student complaints. Military-connected students using Tuition Assistance (TA) or Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA) Scholarships can submit feedback at: https://pecs.militaryonesource.mil/pecs/dodpecs.aspx. Once a complaint is received, agency staff will contact both the student submitting the complaint as well as the referenced school, working with both parties to fully understand the issue raised and seek resolution. Similarly, feedback by GI Bill recipients can be submitted at https://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill/feedback.asp and feedback by federal financial aid recipients can be sent to Compliancecomplaints@ed.gov. For more information, view the attached letters issued to Military Students (TA & MyCAA) and DoD MOU Partner Institutions.
The purpose of the 2015 – 2020 Department of Defense (DoD) Voluntary Education (VolEd) Strategic Plan is to ensure that DoD VolEd continues to shape quality educational experiences for service members. Education is fundamental to the success of the Armed Forces and plays a critical role in the recruitment of high-performing talent, the preparedness of service members for 21st century warfare, and ensuring successful service member transitions to civilian life where they become active and engaged citizens.
Links: https://dod.defense.gov/Resources/Trademarks http://www.dimoc.mil/resources/limitations/

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